Project results
"Bridging the Science-Practice Gap" Evidence Synthesis Report
‘SEL4ALL’ training Bundle:
‘SEL4ALL’ Trainers’ online course and resources platform
SEL-for-ALL e-learning app
‘Proof of Concept’ Study report
"Under Development"
Dr Poteini Vaiouli presents Mash UP n HEI at the Online conference for music therapy (OCMT).
The online conference for music therapy (OCMT) took place on 3-4 February. The focus of the conference
was on the reflection, connection and innovation of music therapy practices within a global community. The
presentation centered around the multimodal socio-emotional learning (SEL) program with a specific focus
on the music components and the possibilities for collaboration among music therapists and other health
professionals (e.g. psychologists) in higher education. The presentation received positive feedback and
there was a strong interest for access to the materials and the possibility for collaboration with other
universities beyond the project's consortium.

"Music and socio-emotional learning in Higher Education". Potheini Vaiouli & Marios Theodorou. Article
published in politis newspaper (In Greek).